Showing posts with label Greenie Budgie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greenie Budgie. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Six Year Old Pet Budgie Died | My 6 Year Old Bird (Budgie) Passed Away | Journey of Greenie - The Budgie (2014-2020)

Greenie the budgie

Greenie, the budgie  

He came to our home in 2014. Little did we know it was the beginning of something which would change our lives. This little one became a part of our family and it lasted for 6 years! It's crazy how time passes by. 

It was my dad who brought this feathery little guy, as my younger kid brother wanted a pet bird back in mid 2014. I was going to college, I had told him repeatedly not to buy any birds as i was super busy with my college work. Don't get me wrong! I loved birds. Especially Budgies! But i had other priorities in life at the moment. I could not dedicate time to look after another life!

Greenie And his friend China Man

Greenie the budgie had other friends too! He was not alone.

The next 6 years of my life was very hectic. I had changed many apartments and there were some issues going on at home but no matter whatever situation i was in, I had always taken care of my budgies.

Greenie was a young, clever, energetic budgie. He always liked to sit on our hand and play with us or talk to us.

Years went by, Greenie was always playful and he brightened our mood. His other friends did not last too long with us. That is another story for another day. This blog is all about Greenie.

I would like to introduce Greenie's buddy : Brownie, A Zebra Finch - Lived for 5 years (2014-2019) until unfortunately one day he was attacked by a wild bird when he was outside in the balcony of my apartment.

Greenie started to suffer from a weird problem. 

Budgie White Poop

From late 2019, His droppings would 'white' in color. I looked up on Google. Barely finding any information. Also i joined various groups on Facebook but no one could help.

Gradually i learnt there was some problem with his pancreas. None of the vets are good in the city where i live. I avoided taking him there. 

It was from then onwards Greenie started becoming inactive. Over the upcoming months he lost a lot of weight. By the time he died you could literally see his chest bone. 

I tried to do whatever i could to save him, including praying. But nothing worked. His condition was degrading at a steady pace. I was aware. And felt horrible inside.

Fast forward to August 2020, 24th to be specific. He became extremely weak and unfortunately died around 10:45 P.M. that night.

I was lucky to spend the last hour with him. His last moments. After he left us. There was a void in my life. I could not believe Greenie the Budgie is NO MORE. Today is the 27th of August 2020. It still pains in my heart that he isn't here anymore, whenever the thought comes in my head.

Greenie in December 2019

Greenie in December 2019

(I will be adding more photos of him later on in this blog of his younger days. Most of the above photos were recently taken in 2020 and a few of them in late 2019. I need to search up everything in my hard drive).