Saturday, September 29, 2018

Male Budgie Swollen Chest / Stomach & Vent | Indian Budgerigar Swollen vent & Chest Problem

Young lad
Back in January 2017, I had bought a budgie, I was unsure if it was a boy or girl. I was still trying to figure it out. Anyway, as the days went by, I understood that it was a boy and not a girl budgie.

I had named him 'pincher' because he loved to pinch us, Not because he was wicked or anything but he just liked to do it.

Pincher & Bluey
Months went by and he grew up. He was very playful and active. He had a caring elder brother, 'bluey'.

Now, let's fast forward to mid- May 2018.
Pincher, the budgie was around 1.5 years old (approximately). Now it was around that time, I had some work and I had to leave my city and go elsewhere for 2 weeks. I told a close friend to take care of my budgies while I was away. I had 6 of them.

Okay, once I returned, I noticed that pincher was suffering from diarrhea. He had a heat stroke unfortunately (which I found out after close observation). I took him to a vet. After treatment, he recovered within a few days time.

Well, I was shocked when I noticed that his belly was swelling up and also his bottom part.

Male Budgie Swollen Stomach & Vent

The picture which you see above is actually taken at a later stage.
It wasn't so bad initially.

Now as the swelling grew bigger, I became very restless as the vets here (in my city/area) couldn't quite figure it out.

Now, Coming to August 2018, his swelling still did not reduce. I tried different methods.. nothing worked!

Sadly, It was the 4th of August 2018, he passed away!

you can see it in his eyes that he's in pain deep inside
How you ask?  Well, on the 1st of August, I had taken Pincher to another vet, working in the government hospital (of India) The vet had given him an antibiotic injection. After that he instructed me to return after 2-3 days, which i did and after the second visit, My best friend passed away, while I was returning home.

As I reached my parking lot, below my apartment, I noticed that he's no more!

I assumed that maybe there was some sort of overdose, maybe. Which took his life. But still I did NOT find a proper answer yet.

Hopefully someday I can understand the reason for this death. I miss my little buddy a lot!
Here are some more pictures of him.

Pincher the Budgie's Journey with us & with some of his friends:

Pincher with the gang
His caring brother, Bluey

China Man, his best friend

Handsome Boy!

He is missed!RIP

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